He is Enough

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Te Amo Desde Mi Interior
Estoy hablando y escribiendo en espanol para que saque buena calificaion en el CLEP examen que voy a tomar el viernes que viene. Mucho ha ocurrido durante estos meses pasados. Estoy en Arkadelphia, Arkansas, disfrutando el primer semestre de la universidad. Lo hace mas dificil no tener a mis papas cerca. Los extrano mas que nunca. !Pero lo emocionante es que voy a ver a mi mama en Thanksgiving! Mi abuela va a pagar el dinero para que mi mama viene a California, y !va a pagar el mio tambien! Lo mal con el mio es que ella me iba a dar ese dinero durante estos 5 meses que vienen, pero ahora ella lo va a gastar en mi boleto, entonces tecnicamente, yo estoy pagando. !!!Pero vale la pena ver a mi mama en un mes!!! Dios sabe lo que necesitamos y nos la da. !Que bueno es nuestro senor! Es mas grande que podemos comprender o imaginar; estoy aprendiendo eso mas y mas. Lo voy a exaltar con todo mi corazon y alma y mente y acciones. No estaba teniendo un buen dia, y despues de leer mi Biblia, me senti mucho mejor. No se que haria si El no me habia rescatado de mi vida del pecado. Clame, y El me oyo y me vino a rescatar; con El quiero estar toda mi vida. No se que mas puedo escribir, pero se que quiero tocar la guitarra base entonces va me voy. Que Dios les Bendiga a todos que leen este testimonio!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Getting Better
Last month was good in just a few spots, but mostly bad or worrisome. I constantly slipped in my responsiblities and hardly did any laundry. I got a speeding ticket and 2 flat tires in the same week. I watched way too much TV and did not pay much attention to my savior, who deserves so much more. But in the past few days, I have read my bible, learned about my Father, and become eager to finish reading the whole bible. I only have a few books left, and I'm ready to restart and go through it faster and more attentive. But I have to finish this round first. Anyways, I now have a job! so I won't be watching as much TV, thank goodness. I will be getting up at an early hour but hopefully I will be more encouraged to go to bed at the right time. so things are much better as of today. and friends of my mom have been checking up on me lately and that was really kind of them. Ok well, its time to wrap this up. YAY for new beginnings!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Life Changing Decisions
This summer has been so hectic and sometimes overwhelming! I have a journal and lots of friends so I haven't felt like blogging. Anyways, I'm a nanny for 3 kids this summer. I never thought life as an adult would require so much effort on my part. I thought agreements were final and I've found that people want to get the best deal they can, and sometimes taking advantage of a young person works for them. but I am strong. I am sticking to plans and being nice about it. The bottom line is I want what I agreed to get. when people forget or take advantage, I need to say something. I was hoping I wouldnt have to, but people are primarily concerned about themselves. But I have seen that their respect goes up for me when I stand up for what we agreed on. In my mind Im not a pushover. I don't know, its complicated. But what I do know is that I have to really work to get what I want. And thats not a bad thing, expecially when God is on my side. He has given me the abililty to be kind with my words and he has used other people to tell me that I can stand up for myself and demand that I get what was previously agreed on.
I have to make a conscious effort to not waste my days. Today I went outside and just spent time in the sun, at my great grandmother's grave, just enjoying the nice weather this morning. Even though I used up gas to go to work and had to turn around and come back because they didnt need me, I'm glad they didnt tell me sooner, or else I would have slept in, and stayed in bed the whole day watching TV. I love today. It's beautiful. I need to enjoy it. There's a song, I forget who its by, some country singer, but the chorus talks about time periods in your life and when they pass you're gonna miss them and want them back and wish they hadnt gone by so fast. It's so true. This past semester I was just waiting for summer and for college to start, but now I miss those days. I don't necesarily want them back, I don't even want a chance to do them over, but I hold tightly to the memories I have. I miss my family so much.
My motto is no regrets. There are probably a few small things I could have done differently, especially when it comes to making good habits and not putting things off. I always showed up late to places because a cool TV show was on and it ended exactly at the hour and I wanted to wait till the end to go to work or to do something productive. And sometimes another show would come on when I knew it was time to take my eyes of the TV and I just wouldn't. I love TV, I'm pretty much addicted. But when people look at my life, I want it to be as interesting as the TV. If my life were a movie right now, people would get up during lots of parts and go get popcorn, or go out to eat or go play outside and left hte movie , cuz they would just be seeing me laying in my bed watching TV or on the computer for hours and hours. I am going to make a change. And it starts with acknowledging Gods presence in my life every single morning. It takes a lot of effort, and sometimes I'll probably try to hurry through my quiet time, but I will know He's there, and I will be able to learn something every time I read the Bible. Yesterday I read Zephaniah chapter 1 and I saw patterns in the people of that day that I saw in myself, bad patterns. I guess the first step is recognizing things that need to be changed, determining to change them, and carrying out the steps. The first 2 I've done a number of times. The carrying out part is sometimes short-lived or not even done. But I know that God loves me and he desires an intimate relationship. The God that made all things wants me, this lowly ignorant self-centered girl, to be one of his good friends, daughters, heirs, part of himself. And that overwhelms me! YAY! It has been a long time since I've laid down my pride and recognized how amaing God is. My lifestyles says Hes there watching me and I don't care what He thinks when I'm doing what I want. I will change, because I do care what God thinks of me. I do care how much time I spend with Him. I need Him. I don't need people though some can be great friends. I need God and I love people. My heart is filled with awe for God. Ive been in this situation before though. It seems now I'm in the one step forward period. But in a few days inevitably I will take a step backward. It's how I am. On Monday I was broken and asking him for help. Tuesday he gave it and I praised him. Wednesday I went back to my stupid habit of watching TV all day and I read one chapter of the Bible. But I didn't regress all the way because I do remember the impact the words had on me and I do remember where I am in the Word. Today I'm taking another step forward and praising him in nature. I have no idea what tomorrow or Saturday may bring, but I do have friends with whom I can talk about God so they can keep me focused. I don't have things all planned out because my plans crash and burn so much. But I know that I want to be known as someone who is completely devoted to God and holiness. I want to be someone who loved God openly and obviously, but also as someone who loved life and had fun and goofed off and didnt waste moments where memories could be made. Spending time at Granny's grave today made me realize that. God is setting my spirit free. He's giving me a goal and he's helping me throw off everything that hinders, including TV. I think one wise step I will make is moving into the other spare room at my grandparents house, where there is no TV. I have written so much and don't care how much anyone reads, but this is evidence of me making life changing decisions.
I have to make a conscious effort to not waste my days. Today I went outside and just spent time in the sun, at my great grandmother's grave, just enjoying the nice weather this morning. Even though I used up gas to go to work and had to turn around and come back because they didnt need me, I'm glad they didnt tell me sooner, or else I would have slept in, and stayed in bed the whole day watching TV. I love today. It's beautiful. I need to enjoy it. There's a song, I forget who its by, some country singer, but the chorus talks about time periods in your life and when they pass you're gonna miss them and want them back and wish they hadnt gone by so fast. It's so true. This past semester I was just waiting for summer and for college to start, but now I miss those days. I don't necesarily want them back, I don't even want a chance to do them over, but I hold tightly to the memories I have. I miss my family so much.
My motto is no regrets. There are probably a few small things I could have done differently, especially when it comes to making good habits and not putting things off. I always showed up late to places because a cool TV show was on and it ended exactly at the hour and I wanted to wait till the end to go to work or to do something productive. And sometimes another show would come on when I knew it was time to take my eyes of the TV and I just wouldn't. I love TV, I'm pretty much addicted. But when people look at my life, I want it to be as interesting as the TV. If my life were a movie right now, people would get up during lots of parts and go get popcorn, or go out to eat or go play outside and left hte movie , cuz they would just be seeing me laying in my bed watching TV or on the computer for hours and hours. I am going to make a change. And it starts with acknowledging Gods presence in my life every single morning. It takes a lot of effort, and sometimes I'll probably try to hurry through my quiet time, but I will know He's there, and I will be able to learn something every time I read the Bible. Yesterday I read Zephaniah chapter 1 and I saw patterns in the people of that day that I saw in myself, bad patterns. I guess the first step is recognizing things that need to be changed, determining to change them, and carrying out the steps. The first 2 I've done a number of times. The carrying out part is sometimes short-lived or not even done. But I know that God loves me and he desires an intimate relationship. The God that made all things wants me, this lowly ignorant self-centered girl, to be one of his good friends, daughters, heirs, part of himself. And that overwhelms me! YAY! It has been a long time since I've laid down my pride and recognized how amaing God is. My lifestyles says Hes there watching me and I don't care what He thinks when I'm doing what I want. I will change, because I do care what God thinks of me. I do care how much time I spend with Him. I need Him. I don't need people though some can be great friends. I need God and I love people. My heart is filled with awe for God. Ive been in this situation before though. It seems now I'm in the one step forward period. But in a few days inevitably I will take a step backward. It's how I am. On Monday I was broken and asking him for help. Tuesday he gave it and I praised him. Wednesday I went back to my stupid habit of watching TV all day and I read one chapter of the Bible. But I didn't regress all the way because I do remember the impact the words had on me and I do remember where I am in the Word. Today I'm taking another step forward and praising him in nature. I have no idea what tomorrow or Saturday may bring, but I do have friends with whom I can talk about God so they can keep me focused. I don't have things all planned out because my plans crash and burn so much. But I know that I want to be known as someone who is completely devoted to God and holiness. I want to be someone who loved God openly and obviously, but also as someone who loved life and had fun and goofed off and didnt waste moments where memories could be made. Spending time at Granny's grave today made me realize that. God is setting my spirit free. He's giving me a goal and he's helping me throw off everything that hinders, including TV. I think one wise step I will make is moving into the other spare room at my grandparents house, where there is no TV. I have written so much and don't care how much anyone reads, but this is evidence of me making life changing decisions.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Tonight I went outside, in the rain. I spun myself around until I fell over. I almost puked up the kiwi I had just eaten. It was truly awesome. Just me and God, in my backyard, me able to be completely who I am. Well, except for one aspect. My grandpa was sleeping so I couldn't shout super loud, and I was not too keen on the bugs in the yard that might get on me if I laid down, which I really really wanted to do. But otherwise, I really enjoyed it. There is this rope thing on the big tree out back with a loop on the bottom end, so I put my foot in the loop and swung around a little until I got scared that the rope would break. Yes I'm rambling, but isn't that what blogs are for?
God has really been showing me lots of things throughout these past few weeks. One main thing is that I need him. If I don't spend time with him everyday I literally get really grumpy and am selfish and not your favorite person. Another is that God is approachable, even though he's huge and complicated. Maybe, deep down, he's not complicated, but at least he's incomprehensible, or maybe that IS complicated. They seem like synonyms. Anyway, He's awesome. And even though there are cute boys in the world, God is the one I want to fall in love with. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting there. I'm at least grumpy if I don't spend time with him.
Well, I'm tired and I'm not going to ignore my body so I'm ending this.. Now.
God has really been showing me lots of things throughout these past few weeks. One main thing is that I need him. If I don't spend time with him everyday I literally get really grumpy and am selfish and not your favorite person. Another is that God is approachable, even though he's huge and complicated. Maybe, deep down, he's not complicated, but at least he's incomprehensible, or maybe that IS complicated. They seem like synonyms. Anyway, He's awesome. And even though there are cute boys in the world, God is the one I want to fall in love with. I'm not there yet, but I'm getting there. I'm at least grumpy if I don't spend time with him.
Well, I'm tired and I'm not going to ignore my body so I'm ending this.. Now.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Costa Rica
the land of beauty, tourism, confusion. the land where i first learned to appreciate spanish and places outside America.
the land where people think they know about it but they really don't. the land where i grew up. the land that welcomed me.the land that taught me to value my family and relationship with God.
the land of stuckness. the land that causes division among families. the land i almost love. the land i really hate.
the other land of beauty. the land of complete respect. the land of stubborn backwards thinking. the land i was able to explore. the land i almost call home. the land i love.
the land of opportunity. the land of pride. the land of closed-mindedness. the coveted land. the land i now call my area of residence. the land im confused about. the land thats not so bad.
I'm in America. My family leaves in 11 days for India. Thats part of the reason it is the land of separation. I'm not looking forward to that fast approaching day. I am not close to my siblings, but I love them and hate the thought that we will be separated indefinitely, for at least 6 months, maybe up to a year and a half. ok im out of words.
the land of beauty, tourism, confusion. the land where i first learned to appreciate spanish and places outside America.
the land where people think they know about it but they really don't. the land where i grew up. the land that welcomed me.the land that taught me to value my family and relationship with God.
the land of stuckness. the land that causes division among families. the land i almost love. the land i really hate.
the other land of beauty. the land of complete respect. the land of stubborn backwards thinking. the land i was able to explore. the land i almost call home. the land i love.
the land of opportunity. the land of pride. the land of closed-mindedness. the coveted land. the land i now call my area of residence. the land im confused about. the land thats not so bad.
I'm in America. My family leaves in 11 days for India. Thats part of the reason it is the land of separation. I'm not looking forward to that fast approaching day. I am not close to my siblings, but I love them and hate the thought that we will be separated indefinitely, for at least 6 months, maybe up to a year and a half. ok im out of words.
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