He is Enough

He is Enough

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I've just finished reading Crazy Love. I discovered that Chapter 8 is pretty much the most life-changing chapter in there. So I'm making changes in my life.
I don't want to be a lukewarm, complacent Christian. I gave my life to Christ a long time ago, and since then, I've really tried to be completely surrendered to Him. But the main thing I've found is that I really can't do it on my strength. That's why God gave us the Holy Spirit. So, with the Holy Spirit's power in me, I want to be SOLD OUT for Christ; obsessed with Jesus.
I'm praying about where God's leading me in the future, because I don't know. But after reading Crazy Love, I realize that to really make the statement "it's not about me" true, I have to give myself to loving God and loving others in tangible ways. Reading chapter 9 with all those examples was an eye opener. And someday, I'm going to be God's missionary, either in the US or outside of it (hopefully outside of it because I've felt to international missions since I was 12), ministering to the needy. Key word: needy. Probably involving children, and education or something, I don't know yet. But I'm asking myself what can I do NOW, like this summer and this coming school year, for God? I'm in Little Rock doing an internship with Otter Creek 1st Baptist doing their children's program for the summer. It's going slowly because they didn't have one before I came along, and I'm completely new at this. And I feel like God wants me to put all my energy into that because I think I can be doing more for it and for this church. But I keep feeling like there's something else I need to be doing, other people I need to reach out to that no one else will. I keep thinking about both downtown Little Rock and the Hispanic community that live in trailer parks right up the road, but there are 2 hindrances: 1) I'm a girl, and I'm not yet 21, so I can't go witness where there's alcohol, and I'm probably not a strong enough Christian for those places. And 2) I don't know how to just go into that Hispanic community; technically I can't because there's no loitering or soliciting allowed. But I speak Spanish and I have a gift with children, which there are tons of over there, and they're really on my heart since I found out that community existed. But I'm stuck; I don't know what to do.
I also have no idea what God wants from me when I go back to college, where I'm with student my age at a Christian University who may or may not be sold out for God, but most appear that way on the outside. And then right across the street in Henderson State University, and much of that population is lost. And I want to reach those wouldn't be reached otherwise, but I don't want to fall into temptation either. My peers are also very judgmental, and any "questionable" activity I do WILL BE talked about. And I really have to concentrate on graduating excelling in school to keep my scholarships.
I also believe it's time for me to start sponsoring a child from overseas, so I'm looking into that. I have no idea where or through which organization but I do know that I don't want to do it through Compassion because not all of their money goes directly to the child.
So now, I'm praying and I don't know where to go next. But that's ok.

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