He is Enough

He is Enough

Monday, August 2, 2010

John 9 and my response

We read John 9 in Sunday School. We talked about The miracle of the Man who was born blind. Basically Jesus spit into mud, put it on his eyes, told him to wash it off the pool of Siloam. When the man came back, he could see. The neighbors saw a novelty. They couldn't believe the miracle had really happened because it was too...miraculous. Then the pharisees couldn't get past the technicality of Jesus working on the Sabbath. The parents of the boy couldn't get past the fact that if they took the boy's side, they would be expelled form the temple, where the food market was. So the miracle became a social difficulty to them. Then the pastor asked us which one we were? Well, I asked for an example. And he told this story of a homeless ministry. one day a homeless woman came to Christ. the church that was sponsoring them was like, well that's great and all, but we really don't want her to join our church because our financial situation won't increase. And the pastor said that kind of stuff happens ALL the time. I was APPALLED. Shocked. My mouth hung open for minutes. Churches and believers turn away the working of God to instead focus inwardly???!!! God's kingdom and the expansion of it, aka people coming to Christ, should be our priority!!!! And this confirmed in me the desire to go where no one else is willing to go. Because so MANY are unwilling. The harvest in plentiful but the workers are few. So basically, I'm in an ongoing conversation with God. I don't know where He wants me or how He wants to use me. But I'm willing to do ANYTHING. Really. Because my passion is His renown. And it's a lonely road. But that's ok. So I'll do anything. I'll go anywhere. I'll go next door.
Satan is trying to trip me up. He'll use any good he can for the worse. So I'm obeying the phrase "Be on your guard." Because He'll attack me in ways I don't expect. He's very cunning. And he has legions of demons working for him. But I won't give up. Because my God has overcome the world!
My options at this point
-find a way to reach hispanic communities in my town and my college town
-transfer to jackson, MS and be an intern with wewillgo ministries
-sponsor a woman from congo and/or an orphan
pour myself into the lives of the children and non-believers i see and come in contact with daily

I'm still looking for God's leading!

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